Customized Planning
Every relationship needs periodic reassessment. HR and Benefit Managers need to know market trends, claims trends, emerging risks and the tools to handle them. READ MORE
Bringing Clarity to Employee Bemefots
2213 Brothers Road, Suite 300
Santa Fe, NM 87505
1. We listen first, then we ask, then we learn,
then we collaborate
2. We take the time to get to know your corporate culture
3. We stay ahead of the curve with innovative solutions
4. We bring time-tested resources to the process
5. We educate to motivate knowledgeable decisions
How can employee benefits get better but yet have lowering costs?
With a strong knowledge base in benefits and solid planning techniques, businesses can create a win-win situation for themselves and their employees. At Vanguard Resources we specialize in bringing clarity to employee benefits through knowledge-based solutions.
Employers are realizing how important it is to budget and “invest” in the right employee benefits communication strategies so that employees engage and understand why the benefits are important to them. Vanguard Resources provides consultation on employee benefits communication techniques, including meaningful segmented population messaging with data tracking for monitoring and improvement year-over-year.
Employees don’t get to see all the pieces of the puzzle because employers are making choices for them behind the scenes. The what, how, why and when is not revealed to employees. Vanguard Resources helps employers identify its employee benefits puzzle pieces and put them together in a way that brings clarity to employee benefits for everyone.
Every relationship needs periodic reassessment. HR and Benefit Managers need to know market trends, claims trends, emerging risks and the tools to handle them. READ MORE
It’s easier to commit to goals when complex issues are clarified. But quick decisions without sufficient data can result in higher costs, disappointment, and frustration. READ MORE
Get answers to your own compliance and regulatory questions, through our exclusive access to a Washington, DC-based employee benefits law firm. READ MORE
Are you having a difficult time receiving qualified responses to your Request for Proposal (RFP) for Employee Benefit Broker Services?
If so, take a look at my accomplishments and see if they fit your needs as a start to your RFP search.
I have 35+ years of experience as an employee benefit broker. My experience and agency set-up may not fit your needs, however. My agency is small and caters to the needs of employers with 2-500 employees that purchase benefits in the private market. My clients enjoy the personalized service that they receive from me and my life and business partner, Dave Sperling.
Here’s a rundown of some of my services that may jive with what you are looking for in an employee benefit broker:
For information about the Independent Insurance Agency Association of New Mexico’s 8-hour Stop Loss Certification course, please visit
Anne Sperling is the instructor for the course, which is required by the state of New Mexico for selling and servicing self-funded employee benefits. She is also a founder and member of the Steering Committee for the newly formed Employee Benefits Division of the Independent Insurance Agents of New Mexico, which offers producers continuing education opportunities and an excellent way to stay up-to-date on insurance-related legislative activity in New Mexico.
On October 1, 2020, Anne Sperling was awarded the prestigious Circle of Excellence Award by the National Association of Health Underwriters. “Anne Sperling exemplifies the qualities that make health insurance agents and brokers such important resources and advocates for American consumers,” said Eva Fomalont, past National President of the National Association of Health Underwriters, who lives and works in Albuquerque for BenefitSource. “Anne has worked tirelessly on behalf of countless clients to ensure they have the insurance coverage they need.” To read the entire news release, click this link.
The National Association of Health Underwriters represents 100,000 professional health insurance agents and brokers who provide insurance for millions of Americans. NAHU is headquartered in Washington, DC